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Performance Details

Corinna Sowers Adler:

Corinna Sowers Adler: "Let Me Sing and I'm Happy"


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“Let Me Sing and I’m Happy” is an evening of American popular song filled with funny songs with crazy words that roll along and make you laugh, sad refrains of broken hearts that love in vein to make you cry and crooning blues that start you tappin’ your feet and lift you out of your seat. Ms. Sowers-Adler is the latest voice of the American Songbook. She has performed her solo shows to rave reviews at The Metropolitan Room, Triad Theater and the Duplex Cabaret Theatre and is the host of the critically acclaimed “Music at the Mansion” series. From Berlin to Broadway to The Beetles, Corinna brings a new face to the sound of old favorites and a classic twist to new standards. Joined on piano by the incredible Fred Barton and Justin Peterson on bass. "Let Me Sing and I'm Happy" is an evening not to be missed.
